Sunday, December 10, 2006


That time is again upon us lowly university students, finals. I will miss this: pulling all nighters with friends who have goals and know what they want to do in life, spending the whole day at the library, driving to a gas station specifically for coffee instead of being ripped off at Starbucks with their $3.65 coffee, concentrating on nothing else BUT studies.....

I told H that when we graduate and go in to the "real world" we're going to miss these times terribly. Later on we'll have to care about others, our husbands, children, in-laws, etc. This is the time when we're allowed to be obnoxious, care-free, and selfish. We can get away by not attending important family events and other social gatherings by simlpy saying, "I've got an exam to study for."

I might hate it now, but I'm gonna miss my college days.

Nobel Attentions

More people need to be like him.